You guys rock and I can't wait to visit with each and every one of you.
Also note that you are subject to appearing in this blog when we connect!
In celebration of perfect town status (which somehow continues!) I splurged and bought that lovely pink argyle top at GracieGrace. I'm not a big fan of pink but I do love argyle prints! And I figured, why not get the glasses to go with it? And do my shoes?
So I was a bit surprised that I totally digged my new matching look!
And I'm also digging the Jacob Ladder's that are popping up all over town. They look very pretty and are a nice difference from the usual flowers. Even ladybugs like them.
Marcel was talking about having a stew party the other day. Sweet Marcel, even thought of keeping us vegetarians in town included! As long as there is no fish...
Bean? Yum! Veggie? Double yum! LENTIL?! I love you, Marcel!
I think Static was leaning towards fish. Darn him!
Alleria has been relatively drama-free. Leave it to the new girl in town to start causing problems.
Blaire said something about watching what you say in town. Knowing Antonio as well as I do, there is no way he's spreading rumors or saying rude things. Sorry Blaire, drama queens aren't tolerated in Alleria!
Out of the blue, Rhonda asked me over to her house. As was the case with Static when he invited me over, I think Rhonda has been hit with a case of the lonelys. Exhibits A, B, and C:
Ohhhh man. I don't know if I should feel bad or what. Rhonda is nice enough, she's my next door neighbor, but we aren't all that close or anything. I have a feeling Rhonda may be better off living elsewhere....somewhere more exciting, perhaps?
Thanks to all the new friends of Alleria, I was able to explore two new towns yesterday. The first one was Kashi in Kashton.
Kashton had a cool town map. Sort of similar to mine but with better building placement than Alleria.
Unfortunately when I stopped by, Kashi was away. So we didn't get to speak but I got a great chance to check out her town. As soon as I stepped through the gate, I was impressed.
Woah! I'd never seen such an awesome town gate! It makes me feel bland and boring!
And I guess Kashi got the memo about Matching Day:
Kashton is a beautiful town. As you can see, they have a cool stone path with flowers lining most of it. The hybrids were abundant and looked fabulous placed inbetween normal flowers.
I can't wait to visit Kashton again!
After leaving a message at the town bulletin board, I headed back to Alleria. But it wasn't long before I found another open gate. This time it was Katie in Stephens. This town was only three days old!
Stephens was a little harder to get around. Maybe it was partly because I wasn't used to the layout but it's too bad that right hand part of town doesn't have a way to get to the lower level of the town. A little difficult getting where you want to go. And is it just me or does Nook's look like it's in the middle of nowhere or what?!
Even so, Stephens is a nice town that has a lot of potential.
Katie was working on planting trees so I brought her some apples, pears, and coconuts. They were much appreciated and I was grateful for the chance to check out her town. I can't wait to see Stephens grow and prosper!
While out meeting new friends and checking out their towns, I came across something cool. This is Elise. She has BY FAR the most stylish room I've ever seen a villager have.
Stylish yet functional! And I do love that cityscape wallpaper. I think it's one of my favorites. Elise, you're welcome to come to Alleria anytime and give us some decorating tips!
When I got home from work today, I found this in my mailbox:
How sweet!
And included was one of her gorgeous blue pansies! Alleria needs more hybrids so this was the perfect gift.
I can't wait to do more traveling!
Hi, Sarah!
ReplyDeleteWow, how exciting to return to this blog and find Kashton featured! I feel like a star! ;D
I thought this was the cutest idea (a town blog), and I loved the way you've done it. Well you know what they say, that imitation is the highest form of flattery...
I was thinking of doing a blog for Kashton, too.
I might have to quit my job to be able to fit it into my schedule, though.
Come back and visit soon!