Last night I did a lot of fishing. While I didn't find the tuna I was looking for, I did come across something peculiar. After selling a load of fish at Nook's I found this:
An empty lamp. I picked it up and started back to the path.
It was Wisp!
I've never seen Wisp before so this was exciting.
Since Wisp is only comfortable in small confined spaces (i.e. the lamp he lives in) we moved up to the attic.
He granted me my wish (I chose to get a furniture item - a retro stereo) and he disappeared a happy ghost.
After the excitement of meeting Wisp I wasn't in the fishing mood any longer. I took a trip to the city to see what was going on. I wandered into the Happy Room Academy and found my room as the display for this month!
After that happy news I went over to check on what Redd was selling. I skeptically picked up a wistful painting. The last couple paintings I've bought have been fakes so I wasn't holding out much hope for this one.
Wait....what? It WAS real! So now I have a grand total of two paintings in the museum.
Pretty snazzy, huh?
I also had the chance to meet Gracie.
I laugh at your bourgeois idea of fashion!
Not only that but I had the honor of running into a VERY old friend.
Vladimir! 'Ole Buddy 'Ole Pal! We go waaaaaaaaaaay back to Roseton. Ahhhhh. Good times, great memories. Roseton's population sure was growing, if you know what I mean!
And before I left back to Alleria I had one more thing to check.....what if....
I got to visit with Resetti! Again! How freakin' lucky was that?!
And with that, I returned home to Alleria. Before heading off to bed, I helped Static find his lost key.
So now I'm wondering just how long this lucky streak will continue.
Here's to hoping that it is as long as possible!
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