We've welcomed our new neighbor Deena.
(Don't worry - she has eyes. Bad timing for the picture.)
It seems like she is fitting in and feeling comfortable already.
She seems nice. It's just weird that it appears she lives in a mans' gym.
Yesterday was a pretty big day in Alleria.
First off, it was our first spring shower.
The rain...it's almost soothing. I love how squishy the grass sounds, how the whole feel of the town changes when it's raining. I spent a large chunk of time fishing for that rare coelacanth. No dice. Not even a spotting.
Then we found out that Nook 'n Go would be upgrading today. On Sunday. The one of two days when I get a chance to spend quality time making money. Unfortunately Nook doesn't seem to keep a day planner. It seems that he forgot he was planning on this:
Because this is the message directly after that one:
Ugh. Thanks Nook.
No more late night snack runs for Chrissy and me.
It also seems that Blathers is keeping busy. The museum is filling up, slowly but surely.
The dino room is turning from a creepy empty room to an awe-inspiring history-filled display.
It's really nice to see just how much progress we're making!
Yesterday was also a big deal because it was the first time I ventured out to somebody else's town. The gracious host was Emma in Hollywoo. She let me pick up the fruit that Alleria was missing!
I dropped it off in Alleria and went back to join in fishing and bug catching contests.
I ended up getting second in fishing and tied for first in the bug catching. It was really fun!
The most interesting thing was getting the chance to check out another person's town. The layout was fascinating! It made me jealous to have such easy access for fishing. The river ran parallel to the ocean for a stretch, making switching between both a matter of a few steps.
The way the river flowed into the ocean was really cool! Mine flows straight into the ocean. But Hollywoo had a really neat curve.
Hollywoo also had a super long path up to the top part of town that looked awesome. I don't have a picture of it but it looked great. I can't wait to visit more towns to see how everybody else lives!
And last but not least, two funny comments I've come across.
First one - it seems like Avery is getting a little stir crazy!
Geez! Marcel is one of the nicest dogs in the world! It wasn't the only comment like that he made yesterday. He said the same thing about Winnie.
And second - I stopped in at GracieGrace while wandering around the city and heard this:
Hahahahahaha. Me too, Hugh.
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