Greetings from Alleria.
The past week has been another busy one in town. Wendell stopped by and supplied us with a horizontal path.
Sometime soon I'll spend some time editing the two paths Wendell has bestowed upon me and I'll lay a nicer path in our quaint little village. When I have the time...
Oh! Great News. Astrid moved!
Erm, obviously I couldn't contain myself. So long Astrid! Woo!
Last weeks fishing tourney was a huge success.
Crucian Carp was the name of the game and my 13.8 incher snagged the trophy.
I didn't have any competition because my record stayed all day...I think I beat my own records three different times. I even had my own cheering squad in Antonio.
He even lent me his secret:
Focusing on the one type of fish helped me concentrate solely on the river. I tend to head towards the ocean for recreational fishing so I was able to catch two fish I hadn't snagged for the museum yet.
After the fishing marathon, I had to stock up for the flea market the next day. I didn't get a whole lot of good fish so I was kind of disappointed.
Luckily I was able to head over to Rhonda's and Marcel's to purchase some stringfish that I had sold them at the last flea market. $15,000 each and I was able to sell them for $44,000 and then buy one more AGAIN from a silly neighbor to sell.
I'm ashamed at my dirty capitalist methods but what am I suppose to do? Not pay my mortgage? Oh well.
It seemed like my neighbors were eager to buy my over-priced fish.
Antonio made a particularly loud entrance:
And my good bud Static thought he was going to a party:
After selling a ton of fish and doing my part to make Allerian houses over-loaded with fish, I made a good amount of money. Which of course went directly to Tom Nook.
After a busy weekend imagine my surprise to find this on Monday morning:
Whaaa?! Really?!
So let me take some time to discuss my Perfect Town Strategy.
I don't have one.
Yeah, I know people work their asses off dividing out their towns into perfect plots - counting the squares, planting the exact amount of trees and flowers to insure a fool-proof way to stay in the green for 15 days.
In all my time living in towns with animals, I've always planted trees where it looked like there might be a need for a tree or two. In the wild world of Kradia, I planted my flowers in neat little gardens. Here in Alleria my flower planting strategy has solely been to plant in ugly patches of dirt. Especially where those ugly patches ran into a path I was making.
It doesn't exactly make for a beautiful looking town or a Perfect Town but, hey, it works.
I've never hasseled over making my town perfect. It just happens when it happens. So we'll see how long it keeps up.
As of today it's been almost 7 days. We've got 3 pretty Jacob Ladder's growing cliff side. I'm proud of Alleria and its ruggedness. Hopefully we can hold out for another week.
But hey. I can't brag. We may be perfect but we sure as hell are still clumsy.
After Astrid left it wasn't long before we had a new neighbor.
Wait a minute...Blaire? Don't I know you from somewhere? Oh, yes. You're currently living in Kradia. Weird. Two different worlds at once.
And finally! This town finally got some Pikmin love!
I could of easily gotten the hat from those that had received it AGES ago but I held out. And patience rewarded me with a lovely-yet-ugly full headed hat.
That's a tuna. Maybe the hats lucky!
The other day, Winnie came to me with an odd announcement.
Which is cool with me. Do whatever you want, Winnie.
But then the day after that she came up with another announcement.
I guess she feels the fish calling to her. To Mermaid Land.
And that's about all going on this past week in Alleria.
Here's two quips I couldn't pass up sharing.
It's true. I think that's why Astrid left.
When you listen to her blab 7 days a week, you learn to tune out. But this was funny.
I think it's funny what Static said when he came to your Flea Market. Apollo in my town said nearly the same exact thing, only he called himself DJ Stepladder instead. Guess they think alike... lol! Congrats on the Perfect Town status, hope you can keep it up as effortlessly as you achieved it. And I love that Winnie quote at the end, that was hilarious lol!