Just like in Portland, the trees in Alleria have bloomed in an explosion of PINK.
Yay, April!
With the coming of the new month, a new store appeared....
Ick. Nook reeks of money and insincerity.
So no late night fishing runs, I guess.
And speaking of fish, April also brings fishies to the ponds!
And new pretty fishies to that drab drab ocean.
My new favorite fish!
Oh! Oh! And new bugs!
Have I mentioned how much I like the beginning of new months?!
No, really?!
It was pretty cool that the passing of April Fool's did not go unnoticed in Alleria. Tortimer gave me a leaf (heh heh heh horf) and my animal friends gave their best shots at tricking me.
Silly animals thought they were being pretty clever with their exclamations of Nook having 90% off sales and what not. My favorite was how Alleria had gone bankrupt and we were all going to have to move.
Antonio invited me over to his house the other day. Apparently, he isn't as desperate and lonely as Static and Rhonda proved to be.
He DOES seem to be outside more often than not.
Ha. I love Antonio but he's such a bull-shitter. He bought that loach from me on the last Flea Market Day.
Also, I found out that when your neighbors ask you what time you want to visit, you can set the clock for as little as 30 minutes ahead of the current time but still go over to their house and go in right after talking with them. I did this with Antonio because I wasn't sure if I'd still be playing in half an hour and sure enough, he was already in his house waiting for me. I guess animals don't really know how to tell time.
Not many special visitors in Alleria lately. Pete stopped by but it wasn't for any special gifts.
And Wendell was in town yesterday so I planned to catch a fish for him in the evening. Unfortunately after doing my daily chores, I laid down for a cat nap and didn't get up until much later than I expected. Darn you, work week! I guess I'll have to wait until next time to get that Nook pattern.
SPEAKING OF PATTERNS.... [Begin rant] Maybe you noticed something different in a few of these pictures, hm? Why, it's actual paths! YES! After much much much frustration and countless wasted hours of my life making and laying patterns, I replaced Alleria's dull hard-to-see green paths for paths that oddly resemble those that you can get from Wendell. I only had the vertical and horizontal paths but ended up making something like 12 variations of them to fit my towns' pathways. It was extremely frustrating trying to make these by scratch with only the two from Wendell to go by. I do not recommend it. Save yourself from insanity and make a simple stone path that will look just as lovely and not take so many different variations of brick-laying. Or be patient and collect the different corners from Wendell.
Since this was my first major pattern making adventure in City Folk, I'm dumbfounded by how STUPID the pattern maker is on this game. I really wish you could do simple things like rotate or flip patterns. That would of shaved 5 hours off this stupid project. And using the Wii-mote to make intricate designs is insanely maddening. I wonder if the designers got a good laugh thinking about how some dumb rube would sit there for hours trying to make a single pattern system for their town. Ugh. [End Rant]
But I have to say the end result is pretty damn cute.
I'm happy how it turned out, for the most part. In hindsight, I could of made a much easier path design but I really like the two patterns I had from Wendell. I figured the rest wouldn't be so hard. Ha. Well, it turned out worth it.
And last but not least, it looks like Winnie has come to her decision. She's leaving to follow her dream of becoming a mermaid.
Good luck, Winnie.
I totally feel the same way about the whole Pattern Making sytem. On the DS that setup was fine, because you could use the Stylus to draw and it was easy. On the Wii it does NOT work the same way! A rotate feature would have definitely been a good addition lol! I suck at making designs and usually just make hockey jerseys. Those paths you made look great, so at least it was worth all the hard work!
ReplyDeleteAnd I wish I had talked to my neighbors more on April Fools Day! I was too busy trying to sell carpets that I ignored them. I would have loved to hear them come up with pranks to try and trick me. Oh well, next year lol!