When I approached Town Hall, I heard some pretty festive music...it was pretty catchy.
And then Zipper T. Bunny came into view.
And I thought, "This is a guy I want to dance with!"
So I spent about 20 minutes dancing with this guy.
Joan didn't think it was very funny. She just stood there and stared for a bit.
Finally, I thought it was about time to talk to this guy and find out what it was he wanted me to do. Unfortunately I found out a bit TOO much information.
But the egg hunting went fine. For the most part, the dig spots were easy to find and close together.
Even my boyfriend got into it and helped me look for the brown stars.
After awhile I got the whole set and was excited to set it up in my main room. I was getting pretty tired of the Festivale furniture set (that was incomplete anyway). So after a bit of re-arranging, I set up the whole Egg set. The whole gaudy thing.
I don't even like eggs.
But it's a change and change is good. I guess it'll give me motivation to plan what my main room really should be.
Other than that, things are about the same in Alleria. Static seems to have the scoop on the new girl...
...and our friendship is as close as they get. I think?
That is a compliment, right? Or does that mean I'm uppity and over-priced??
Phineas gave me a Bunny Day present.
I match! For once.
And look who's coming to the city a whole lot....
Gaaaaastooooooon. He doesn't look happy to see me.
And I guess the Duck Hunt was successful. Miranda came up to me and mentioned that she is thinking about moving. Shame that the original duck in town is the one forced out...but that's how the cookie crumbles, I suppose. One down, one (or two!) to go.
LOL good job on the duck hunt hehe! I don't like the ducks much in this game either. And I also think it's so funny that we posted very similar Bunny Day pics on our blogs! Great minds must think alike... :-P