No Running: I've spent a lot of time building gardens, growing hybrids, and constructing pathways. Alleria is proud of our little town so please be respectful of the land
Communicate!:It's hard to have a good time if I don't know what you want to do! Also, show a little courtesy and say Hello and Goodbye. It's frustrating to have somebody come in, look around a bit, leave without notice, and leave a les-than-stellar rating for fun.
Go Shopping!: Help out Alleria's economy by taking home a souvenir from Nooks' or Able Sisters. No need to ask.
Don't Replace Patterns!: Chances are those are the only ones I have. Even if your patterns are super rad, I'd like to keep the ones I have displayed. If I like your patterns, I'll come visit your town and pick one up; maybe to disply in Alleria.
Need Fruit?:Please ask before taking. I don't want somebody shaking all the trees just to take 3 of each. We need a lot of fruit left on our trees, Static makes excellent fruit smoothies!
Leave Your Mark!:Go ahead and leave a message on the town message board. Everybody reads it, the gossip spreads like wildfire, so the more scandalous the better!
Be Mature: Shouldn't have to express this but unfortunately it's not always a given.
Leave It As You See It: Don't take flowers, don't cut trees. I WILL notice and you won't be coming back.
That's about it, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Enjoy your time in Alleria!
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