Well, that's pretty dramatic but there are a lot of long faces around here.
After a dull quiet week in town our resident ninja pulled the ninja-iest move and stealthly packed his bags and left in the span of two days. That's right, no warning, no hint, he pulled a quick one on us. Our good friend Snake.
Why Snake, Why?!
Snake actually got a kick out of his prank.
Every single animal has mulled it over, asked for advice, usually giving a weeks notice. But not Snake! Friday night, I was making my rounds visiting neighbors and BAM! There he was. He laughed, talked about how he was packing as quickly as possible and how I needed to take care of Alleria when he was gone. The next morning he was gone.
True to his name, he slithered away.
I wasn't the only one who was devastated. Apparently he had made a mark on everybody in Alleria. The skies opened up and added to the dark mood in town.
Chrissy, being dramatic as she is, took it pretty rough. She had even adopted Snakes' catchphrase in honor of him. Every little thing set her off. Since then, she's been staying indoors.
Looking back, I remembered one incident last week that may have led to some clues. Snake and I met at the Roost for coffee.
Conversation was the usual. Biceps, the best way to make smoothies, and the latest town gossip. But after the last drop of coffee was gone, Snake stayed and talked with Brewster. Maybe Brewster knew something I didn't! So I ran to go interrogate him.
Unfortunately, all he wanted to do was talk about gyroids. Hmmm. I'll be keeping my eye on him.
So in the end, I don't have any idea why Snake left. I suppose ninjas can't stay in one place for too long. In any case we will miss him. I hope our paths cross again.
Other than that, things are okay in Alleria. I've been rushing around trying to catch all the new bugs and fish this month. The oak silk moth and latern fly did excellent jobs of scaring the shit out of me when they flapped away. I actually screamed once it spooked me so bad. So far, I 've caught a handful of the new vermins. I've caught two dorados, an eel, gar, hammerhead shark, shark, ocean sunfish, birdwing, darner dragonfly, emperor butterfly, firefly, mosquito, oak silk moth, laternfly, and the rainbow stag.
Blathers seemed to be okay with the rainbow stag. That was pretty surprising.
My quest for the tarantula continues.
After spotting this one I followed it around until it disappeared. I didn't have the guts to pull out my net. Since then, I've spent a ridiculous amount of time searching for another one. Friday night, I stayed up until 2 AM looking for one. I heard that 2 was the peak time. Psh. Not in Alleria. Last night I stayed up late searching town, going in and out of buildings and sloooowly creeping around. No luck. They seem to pop up when I'm not looking. Figures.
I spent a similar amount of time looking for the orchid mantis and now I see them frequently and have even caught quite a few. I'm hoping that I'll have better luck in July and August. Fingers crossed!
My hybrid garden is looking a lot better. I caught Rhonda sneaking around it. Her house is close to the black roses, I'm thinking she is a little jealous and is looking to start her own. As long as she doesn't take mine!
I'm a little concerned about Chrissy. I hope she gets out of this depression soon.
Is she hopped up on meds or what?!
Chrissy may be insane but don't worry - Marcel is still sweet as ever.
All together now ..... Awwwwww!
Pete has been wandering town a lot lately, still pining over Phyllis. Speaking of Phyllis, apparently she doesn't pay much attention to what's current in town.
I guess she hasn't noticed the local NOOK 'N GO!
That's all from Alleria. Enjoy the warm summer nights!
Aww I'm sorry Snake left you like that! Sometimes they just feel like they have to move on. I've had to do a LOT of convincing to get some of my favorites to stay. Now if I could just get Curly to LEAVE, I'd be all set.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd just like to say that you made me laugh out loud when you were describing how scared you get when an oak silk moth or lantern fly suddenly departs from a tree. It definitely makes me jump! But what irks me the most is that I had NO idea it was there in the first place! I really need to focus on looking for those stupid things!
Good luck catching a tarantula! I've only seen one and I just ran away... I'm going to need to get brave like you! lol