I tried to get him to join me in watching K.K.'s stirring performance of Imperial K.K. but he's as stubborn as always. He seems to prefer to stare at the wall.
On Sunday I decided to at least do something worthwhile and I moved my Jacob's Ladders to a better spot. They looked great in front of my house for awhile but slowly the numbers outgrew the space I had. It started to look really messy.
Couldn't even capture all of them.
I decided the best place for them was to line them down the path from the gate. I think it looks a lot better.
Blaire spent the weekend being sick. I dutifully brought her medicine until she was feeling better. She was so happy, she literally jumped for joy.
Flying squirrel?
Also on Sunday, as I was doing my routine watering, I found something moving on a flower:
It's hard to see but it's the orchid mantis.
I was lucky to see it since I've only been able to catch one. So I decided to keep it for the storage room. I'll look it up and see if it has a good selling price. If it does, I'll keep it for the Flea Market.
I was super excited to find out that Nook's spotlight item was the lucky gold cat. It was the only one missing from my collection.
One day, they will be in a much better looking room!
As per usual, I've been listening in on neighbors' conversations. Rhonda's long time dislike of Marcel seems to be continuing as he gets on her nerves more and more.
Rhonda stomped off angrily. I thought it was pretty cute that Marcel was complimenting Rhonda on smelling good but I think he went about it the wrong way. When I thought about it later, it did seem odd. Rhonda doesn't have any visible hair.
Marcel took it pretty hard. He thinks it has to do with his own hygiene.
Monday brought about the start of a new month. Yay! I always look forward to the arrival of new bugs and fish. But it also brought the arrival of a new resident, Merry.
Not only is this human-looking cat snobby but she made a big no-no right from the get-go.
She moved onto our pristine, once un-inhabited island. Luckily, her house didn't get in the way of paths or destroy much but it is an eye sore. Why couldn't she have moved into Deena's old spot? We would have been better off with good old boring Deena.
The insect catching has been slow. I caught a darner dragonfly pretty quickly. Later as I was fishing, I saw a tiny little bug floating around. Not thinking much of it, I continued luring fishies. But the damn thing interrupted and stung me!
Argh! Taking revenge on its kind, I caught one yesterday and donated it into life long slavery at the Alleria museum. Ha, take that mosquito! Enjoy your sterile boring life in a museum!
I also saw this guy scuttling around.
As soon as I gained my composure, I went searching for it again, prepared to sneak up and whip out my net. It was all to no avail, though, as I wasn't able to locate him again. I will definitely step up my efforts to catch a tarantula. I'm fully prepared to be attacked.
I also saw a giant moth that flew off a tree. It actually made me jump when it flapped away.
And my ultimate favorite bug of the century has to be the firefly. The first time I saw it, I gasped at how cool it looked.
It is pretty amazing how much they light up the area. As soon as I put him in my pocket, the path went back to being dark. These things are cool and I spent a good half hour walking around town taking in their eerie glow.
So pretty.
Cool! Two! These guys are everywhere!
Three? Really?
He's so bright, I need sunglasses to look at him at night.
Oh fireflys, how I love thee. I could make an entire scrapbook with pictures of you.
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