Oh geez.
Chrissy was down in the dumps. I spent time with her, trying to get her to lay down and sleep it off. All to no avail.
Poor thing. What do you do? I didn't know if there was much I could do to help.
Ohhhhh. "Medicine" must mean she's out of her happy pills. Nook 'n Go doesn't carry antidepressants but maybe he'll special order them for our peppy bunny.
When I got the goods, Chrissy seemed reluctant to take them at first. It's been two days, so hopefully when I check in on her today she'll be feeling a bit better.
When running around in the warm rainy weather yesterday I was surprised to see a house planted right in Snake's old spot. Already?! This has been the fastest turnover I've ever seen. Snake gone in two days and somebody new in two more.
Our new friend Buck is another jock. Sheesh, it seems like those two had this planned out....maybe they switched places with each other. I'm a little disappointed to get another horse. Winnie was enough. But, hey, at least it's not a duck!
I'm already a little suspicious on what exactly Buck has in all those moving boxes. Especially after this comment:
Uh-oh. Secret stuff? Bicep girth? Don't tell me you're dealing with performance-enhancing drugs. Oi, what is Alleria turning into? A pharmacy?!
Anyway other than that, all is well in Alleria. With last weeks' Flag Day DLC displayed in the local Able Sisters' I had already forgotten about it. But one local has gotten a kick out of the design:
The other day I was fishing on the island when I saw what looked like the mayor standing across the river from me. It spooked me! But then I realized it was just Avery's enormous chest. Sheesh.
That's all for now. Here's a picture I took the other night of what appears to be a firefly meeting of some sort.
LOL @ Chrissy's "happy pills"!
ReplyDeleteAnd that shirt looks really freaky on Avery!