My dedicated scorpion/tarantula hunting time gone.
This really bummed me out because I had the three day weekend to myself and I was fully prepared to hunker down and take as long as it took it try and nab those two.
But Mother Nature said no.
But all the rain did do some good. It brought out an influx of bugs, particularly beetles.
In addition to all the previously caught cicadas, I caught enough beetles to fill the trees in the museum. The atlas, cyclommatus, dynastid, elephant, giant, golden stag, goliath, jewel, miyama stag, saw stag, and scarab beetles all found a comfy home this weekend. Whew. The elephant and golden stag I've seen before but somehow would miss each time I tried to catch them. I think because of the weird angles down at the beach I wouldn't always line myself up right. Anyway, as soon as I started creeping around last night I caught a pocket full of elephant beetles which I promptly took down to the basement for back up in case I don't have enough fish for the next Flea Market.
With all the bugs on trees distracting me, I've only caught one new fish.
I wasn't looking for it but I sure was surprised when he came soaring out of the water. You see, I just happened to be walking by when I saw a shadow that at first glance looked like a sea bass but as I cast my line, I realized was slightly larger than a sea bass. And bam! There was the blue marlin! That was just pure luck.
Thanks to the rain, there were no Fourth of July festivities in Alleria. The closest sign of any holiday occuring was the giant hotdog I wore on my head. Although I don't eat meat and especially detest the hotdog, I was just glad for some new DLC. Personally, it makes me think of 'Hotdog on a Stick' in local mall food courts. Gross!
Avery invited me over to his house for the first time on Saturday.
Avery is a good guy but not such a great host. There were no refreshments or appetizers, nor did he offer to sell me anything. I was also creeped out a bit by his choice of clothing. Pink does not suit him.
Can you feel the uncomfortable silence?
I mentioned having to run an errand for Marcel and hightailed it out of there.
It's not like I lied to him. I really did have an errand from Marcel!
oOoOoOoohh. Chrissy and Maaarcelll, sittin' in a tree....
That's right! The crush/friendship/courtship between Marcel and Chrissy continues! Personally, I think it is absolutely adorable! I hope that Chrissy, being the drama queen that she is, doesn't break sweet little Marcels heart....I mean, come on! He's sending her a gift but doesn't have the courage to deliever it himself! I'm more than happy to be the courier. That means I get to see both sides of the reaction.
Chrissy seemed shocked to be getting a present.
It turned out to be a fluffy shirt which looks absolutely adorable on Chrissy. Oh Marcel, you have such good taste! And Chrissy obviously loved it, too.
Feeling so fufilled for being the cupid I am, I hurried down to Marcels' house to give him the good news.
He was ecstatic. The budding relationship is the best thing going on in Alleria right now.
Kiki, our newest resident, apparently isn't sticking around much longer.
Seriously, she just finished settling in and she's already thinking about leaving?!?! Fiiine. Be that way...I don't like your creepy pig nose anyway. Luckily, Cupcake in Lollipop has decided to try to woo her over to her town. Since Kiki started talking about moving, Cupcake has come over to talk with Kiki, send her gifts and try and see if she can get Kiki to take the empty spot in Lollipop. Even though there hasn't been many successful transfers from town to town on purpose, it's worth the try. Cupcake is experimenting with wooing the animal before the boxes are all packed up. So we'll see what happens. Most likely there is already an animal set to take the next spot in her town but it's possible Rhonda or even Kiki may show up down the line. Cupcake promises to keep me posted.
It does seem weird that Kiki is already moving. Her and Merry had really hit it off.
But that's okay. One kitty in town is plenty!
In other 'What were they thinking?!' news, Buck was all excited over this idea he had...
Yeah, Buck. It's called the Fishing Tourney.
That's all from rainy Alleria.
Congrats on all those great catches! I was thinking about saving some bugs for the Flea Market, but it's not until the 26th. And with the amount of bugs that appear daily in our towns, I don't doubt that we could just hunt for bugs on the 25th and have plenty of inventory for our Flea Markets! lol
ReplyDeleteSorry the weather didn't cooperate with your creepy crawly hunt, but grats on all the other bugs! I wanted to hunt for dragonflies today, but alas Doomdoom has a thunderstorm. It's the first one I've seen, and I'm wondering if I should seek shelter in my basement rather than fish...