It waters my flowers, it changes neighbors moods and it just seems to make it even more relaxing in Alleria.
It's been raining here for the past 3 days off and on, mostly on. I am so glad! I even got a couple hybrids out of it:
This black rose showed up on the same day that I got a really beautiful purple tulip behind my house. I had this meager hybrid garden going that only had a blue pansy (I didn't even grow it, it was a gift!) and three pink cosmos. Now it has my new hybrids added with two pink carnations and it's looking a bit awkward so I'm trying to think what I can do with them until I have more. I definitely want to keep them outside but there just isn't quite enough to have a proper garden and the mix doesn't go well together. Hm, I'll have to work on that this weekend.
And here's the big news: Thanks to the rain, I caught my first coelacanth!
Man I don't know how many hours I've put into catching that sucker but it finally all payed off. Initially I was fishing around 4:30PM but I realized I was wasting my time after spending quite a few rainy days at that time looking for that coelacanth. So right before I went to bed (9:27PM to be exact...yeah, I have to be up early for work), I tried again. It took all of five minutes to see that familiar shadow. It's the same shadow as the tuna, longer and skinnier than the sea bass. You recognize it right off the bat. He also moves quicker than the sea bass, even though it took four tugs before he latched on. I practically held my breath until I knew I had him for sure and when I held him, I yelled in joy.
The big hunt is finally over. Enjoy your new home, big guy.
Well, now that the excitement is over, here's some neighbor news.
Avery was really fascinated by the fact that I was wearing a big bro's mustache that Chrissy had given me.
He kept walking around town mumbling to himself so I checked back with him.
Poor Avery. Being stuck in little old Alleria has really dampened his open-mindedness. Has he even gone into the city? It would probably be culture shock!
Yesterday, Static dropped this bombshell on me:
Noooooo! Static can't leave me!
It took a bit of whining and crying but Static changed his mind.
That's right, Static. Thaaaat's right.
Rhonda has been sick the past couple days.
I think she had the rhinovirus.
Ahhhh, I crack myself up.
Chrissy had kept bugging me about giving a message to Rob. Why? She has spoke with him all but two times or so. But after her constant nagging, I gave in. Rob woke up from his slumber once again and reported back to Chrissy. After, Chrissy revealed her true thoughts about me:
Whaaaaat? A flake?! If I had to describe anybody in Alleria as a flake, it would of been her! Sheesh.
But then she must have thought twice and gave me an awkward...compliment? This is a compliment, right?
Hmmm. I'll have to watch what I say and do around Chrissy. I'm thinking she may be the owner and main proponent of the Rumor Mill in town. Watch your back, Chrissy. Watch your back.
And last but definitely not least, it's Marcel. File this one under the Adorable Marcel Comments file.
Oh Marcel, how I love you.
I gotta agree with Chrissy on her 2 points. 1) Sarah is a flake. and 2) Oh my fucking god can she smell a lie from AT LEAST a mile away! I swear the government should clone her and distribute her as a real life lie detector.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, thanks again for bringing me the news! I love your reporter Rob, he's great at doing personal interviews with the those who matter most; the people that create the great community of Aleria. Lets hope to see more of that dude finding out what the citizens of Aleria really think!
About Avery's shock to your mustache and how he should see the city...
ReplyDeleteI agree! He should see Harry. He's got that mustache-beard combo going on.