A BIG welcome and a BIG thanks to our wonderful readers. Whomever you all are, thanks for checking us out!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's New?

A lot.
Sorry for no update, a sprained knee sucks.
So here's what's up in Alleria!
  • New Store!

More product, less time to sell.
  • Special Visitors!

Ran all over town for Saharah and all I got was a robo-floor.

Phineas showed up three days in a row. I scored this pin wheel, a lavender balloon, and a cool blue bunny balloon!

K.K. gave me a cool new tune that is a welcome change in the house. No more Go K.K. Rider!

Of course Pascal shows up and I forget to hand him a scallop. No Pirate's Life for me...

Finally had some company in the Roost! Had coffee with Miranda and then Kapp'n showed up!

Chatted with Pete last week.

And got my DLC gift yesterday!

  • New Catches!

Obviously it took me a couple tries. Running north and pulling out my net with the wii-remote directional pad was the winning strategy.

Marcel didn't believe me.

After hours and hours of searching, I finally caught the tuna. It's almost the end of tuna season so I was really excited about this.

After accidentally selling my last barred knifejaw, I caught one right after the tuna!

How awesome is that?!?!

Museum. Looking pretty full!
  • New Tools!

Silver watering can.

Golden sling shot.

  • New House Re-model!


And in other news.....

Yes! Go, go, go!
Astrid has been threatening to leave for what seems like ages. I've been whole-heartedly encouraging her to go. Anyyyyy day now, I'm hoping she'll be packed up and ready to go.
While I hate to say I don't like her, I do have to say she has been nicer than in past experiences living in the same town together.

Yeah. We'll remember you, Astrid. Now move on!

In other neighbor news, our dear buddy Static asked me over to his house! What a nice surprise!

But the small talk didn't last long. Static got down to why he actually invited me over: to buy his crap.

I went ahead and bought a folk guitar from him. As I was leaving, he stopped me to say this:

Awww, Static. He's just a little lonely. He's definitely one of my favorite current neighbors.

And that's about it. Spring is treating Alleria very well, growing lots of healthy fruit trees and lovely flowers. And we're always looking for new friends! Come visit us!

And remember:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looks like you've accomplished a lot this week! Good job getting the Golden Slingshot, aren't those gold balloons cool? Now if only Phineas would give out gold balloons, I'd be very happy! Oh and congrats on catching the Bee, I know that is tricky to do! I couldn't catch any bees in WW, but now with the easy directional buttons to help us, it's much more do-able in AC:CF!
